Micromanagement. We’ve all experienced it. No one likes it. But why is it such a problem?Micromanagement promotes compliance.Micromanagement scrunches initiativeMicromanagement reduces trustMicromanagement dampens innovation.Any of these reasons is enough for us to stop micromanaging. But let’s think now about us as the leader. How does it hurt us beyond all those other things? Follow The

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Policies exist in all parts of society, and we have been subject to them throughout our lives. They are generally well-intentioned, yet often elicit less than positive response – anything from the rolling of eyes to complaints about how policies don’t apply to a given situation. Company policies receive the same treatment and derision. If

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I spend most of my time working with leaders. And those leaders all have leaders (after all, even CEO’s have Boards of Directors). Spend any amount of time with groups of leaders and they will talk about how they dislike being micromanaged. No one likes to be micromanaged, yet we have all experienced it. In

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Ultimately the best leaders do realize that they must bring their heart to their work. It is your work as an individual leader to figure out exactly how you will do that. Hopefully these five factors help you think this through for yourself.

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As humans, we make mistakes. Which means that as leaders, we make mistakes too. First, we are human. But leading is a complex and difficult task, meaning that the odds of a mistake are pretty high. Ultimately, it isn’t a mistake that defines us as much as our response to it. And if the response

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