n today’s increasingly complex and demanding world, we need leaders to rise up and embrace these two critical roles of what I’m calling flight instructor and gardener.

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Reading can be a hobby and a pleasurable pastime, or it can be a conscious approach to learning and growth. In order to make it the latter, you must adopt strategies that help you take what you learn and translate it into ideas and action.

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The rise of hybrid work arrangements has further complicated life for today’s up-and-coming managers. As a newly promoted leader, you not only have to master the skills you need for face-to-face oversight, but you must also be able to organize remote workers and learn how your team members perform and interact in both online and in-person environments.

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By Guy Harris One fairly common question I get from Bud to Boss workshop participants is: How do you deal with a persistently or aggressively negative team member?” While the full answer in a given situation depends on many situation-specific details, there is a thread of common themes that applies to almost all of my

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