If you’ve never made a mistake at work, raise your hand. Chances are, your hand is NOT up. If it is, kudos. You might be the first person ever to not make a mistake on the job. Most of us do, especially in the early days of leadership, but even leaders who have been at
Would it surprise you to know that nearly 75 percent of US businesses are affected by time theft? Most companies don’t notice it. To be fair, it’s likely because most employees aren’t even conscious of doing it either. Unfortunately, it’s costing workplaces $50 billion annually. Image Source Time theft is defined as the practice
We spend a good chunk of our lives working. If that workplace is toxic, it affects everything from our happiness to our health. From a bottom line point-of-view, productivity, performance and customer service tanks in a toxic environment. Turnover (and the high cost of it) grows. Given that we (and our employees) spend so much
There are lots of things people become addicted to. I believe one of the most prevalent isn’t ever mentioned in the same breath with the addictions you thought of as you were reading the first sentence. What can we do to deny the allure of the distraction, regain our focus, and maximize our productivity? Good
Meetings CAN be a waste of time and they can be the biggest productivity and engagement tool in any organization. The difference in outcome rests first and foremost on the shoulders and hands and mind of you as a leader. So think of your very last meeting with your team, and ask yourself: How productive was the
I recently came across the article “Five Human Resource Tips to Improve Your Bottom Line,” by Charlotte Canning, Vice President of Brand and Culture at Hoffer Plastics Corporation and while it absolutely applies to HR professionals, the advice is perfect for leaders, too. Here is Charlotte’s best advice, as it relates to your leadership role.
Insights from Shawn Burcham, author of Keeping Score with GRITT: Straight Talk Strategies for Success Bosses might want to take notice if employees view their jobs as “the daily grind.” A disgruntled and disengaged workforce can undermine production and harm customer relations, while a happy, engaged workforce does the opposite. “If you take care of your
We’re in the business of offering leadership and workplace advice, but even we can admit some advice runs its course. The times change, making that once sage advice obsolete. Or it just doesn’t fit the same situations it once did. It’s safe to say that there is always a chance the advice will be relevant
You make decisions all the time, from the trivial ones, like what to eat and what route to take to work, to more serious ones, like where to buy home or whether to accept that promotion. For most decisions, the choice is easy. You have the experience and knowledge necessary to make a quick decision.
By Jaimy Ford, business writer and editor. World Health Organization has dubbed “millennial burnout” as a medical condition, defined as “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” It’s officially a real thing. Millennials, the 20-and-30-somethings, have been a bit of a punching bag for Gen X and Boomers, who love to throw out
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