It’s that time of year again for the annual company picnic. Whether yours is a huge party funded by your organization or a small backyard barbecue that you host for your team, they are full of opportunities for employees to embarrass themselves and your employer. Fortunately, whether you’re throwing the party or attending it, there

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This is a guest post by Dr. Bobby Grossi, a motivational speaker and author of the book Destiny is Not Hereditary: How Becoming a Better You Impacts Others.   A business is made up of employees, so the assumption is that if you motivate employees, you will motivate the business. That is not necessarily the case. If

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Summer is here, so it’s a good time to think about work-life balance. Unfortunately, you and your employees are so busy and feel pulled in so many directions that you all may find the idea of work-life balance elusive, and with good reason. Technology makes us available and “on” 24/7/365. Our phones tether us to

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The smartest thing you can do as both a leader and an employee is proactively look for ways to improve your skills. Attend training (check out our Bud to Boss virtual workshops here) and read as many leadership blogs, books and whitepapers as you can. As important, however, is that you look for learning opportunities

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In much of my work, I see a tendency that many people have (including me) to play the victim during interpersonal conflict. I encourage my clients, and I strive myself, to overcome this tendency to blame every conflict on the other party. I call this tendency to blame others a victim mentality. When I am blaming

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This is a guest post by David Deacon, author and HR expert.  In your new leadership role, are you responsible for leading remote employees? Most leaders have at least one partial or full-time remote employee or freelancer who reports to them. It’s not easy. With employees working remotely or on flex schedules, it can be

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How can you start boosting your productivity today? In my opinion, accomplishing more each day doesn’t have to do with some life-changing process or technology. Instead, it’s about finding extra minutes and even hours throughout your work week. It’s about minimizing wasted time. Here’s how I do it, and how you can too. Listen closely

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If you haven’t watched Parks and Recreation (ever or recently), it might be time to binge-watch the show (it’s on Netflix!). As Fundera points out in this infographic, we all stand a lot to learn from the shows wacky, but utterly devoted, lead character, Leslie Knope. Check out these 10 leadership lessons she teaches us

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Delegation is something that every leader has feelings about. Some feel they do it well. Some don’t even know where to start. Some have seen a good example of it. Some feel like every time someone has “delegated” to them, it felt like they’d just been dumped on. Some think it is something they should

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Today is  International Women’s Day, a global day that encourages us to take a minute and celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is #BalanceforBetter, and raises the question: How can you help forge a more gender-balanced world? For leaders, this question is vitally important. You have the potential

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