As a leader, you have the power and opportunity to shape your workplace environment in a way that inspires employees and helps to ensure they can do their very best work. David Deacon, in his book The Self-Determined Manager, explains that if you do the following consistently, you will foster an environment where employees can

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This is a guest post by by Stephan Schiffman and Gary M. Krebs. I don’t mean to frighten you, but I am about to alert you to a dire circumstance many companies are dealing with right now: turnover. Today’s generation does not have the same long-term commitment to the company as past employees did. They are

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Turfs wars can derail progress on a project quicker than any other kind of conflict in the workplace. Offering your staff conflict management training on how to deal with that type of situation will save morale and productivity from plummeting—and will lead to stronger interdepartmental relationships, which will undoubtedly be valuable down the line. When

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Thanksgiving has come and gone, but don’t let your gratitude disappear with the last of the leftovers. If you have the following employees on your team, you should be incredibly thankful! So don’t forget to let them know just how much you appreciate them. Optimists. Even on Mondays, these employees arrive at work cheerful and

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What skills do the best leaders possess? The answer might depend on whom you ask, the industry you’re in, your organizational culture, and even your team dynamics. Still, it’s a question worth considering, and who better to answer it than real managers doing the work everyday. The folks at set out to gain some insight by

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Unemployment rates are holding firm at 3.7 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.  While that’s great for the country, if you are an employer looking for talent, not so much. It makes it even harder to find exceptional talent to hire. Dan Iny, author of Leveraged Learning: How the Disruption of Education Helps Lifelong

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Leaders often lament about the lack of accountability in employees. We write about it on this blog often. After all, it’s critical that employees take responsibility when they fail, rather than point fingers or place blame on others. But how about when you mess up and it hurts the team? Do you own your mistakes?

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This is a guest post from Marcus Clarke. The best step that leaders can take to improve an organization is to promote mental health among employees. Statistics have revealed that employees experience depression and anxiety each year, and these mental health issues affect employers and lead to huge losses. The nature of work and its

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Fall foliage is beautiful, so if you are lucky enough to live in an area that experiences it, like me, I consider us very lucky. Still, while the trees are beautiful as their leaves turn from green to yellow, orange and red, they pose a problem too—if you’re responsible for removing them after they’ve fallen.

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