Are you ready to advance in your career? The opportunity could be now. In fact, organizations are seriously concerned about the leadership gap. According to a LinkedIn report “Developing Employees Into Leaders,” 85% of executives are not confident in their leadership pipeline, and 86% consider developing new leaders as either “urgent” or “important.” That bodes well

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Eighty-two percent of people feel they have friends at work, but only 15 percent see those friendships as “real,” says research conducted by Olivet Nazarene University. The survey of 3000 people across 21 industries sheds some light on how people perceive their coworkers. You can see more results here, but here are a few highlights: 71%

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If you’re concerned about your own or your employees’ productivity, you may be dealing with one of the following flowbreakers, say James Manktelow and Julian Birkinshaw, coauthors of Mind Tools for Managers: 100 Ways to Be a Better Boss. Keep reading to learn their advice for managing distractions so that you all can be more productive: Personal

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After 30 years of working, reading and studying the topic of manager’s development the quote above is still my favorite when it comes time to characterize how managers need “to be” as they perform their roles. The great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu advised that the fundamental character of a “good manager” (He actually said leader

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You are leading a team and some (maybe all) of the members see themselves as individual contributors, not necessarily members of a team. They state and show that they’d rather work alone, and prefer individual accomplishments and results over tying their fortunes to a team. You want a cohesive team. That is, a group collaborating

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Whether you’re an official mentor or not, the way you treat your employees can play a large part in shaping their careers. Are you building their confidence and helping them learn from their mistakes? Or are you doing the opposite? While this is probably most pertinent to your youngest workers, the way you respond to

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This is a guest article by Charlyne Meinhard. You can hire the right employees, but if you don’t manage them well, those good employees may wind up messing up, rather than stepping up. Consider this scenario: Jen and Tim are managers of two totally different functions within Mid-Road Company, but they share the same frustrations

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As I travel around the country to lead workshops, I often hear frustrations with or objections to some of the supervisory/leadership techniques and approaches that I advocate and teach. I seldom hear an outright disagreement with the general approach. Instead, people express their frustration or objection like this: “That sounds great, but … “I work

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Unemployment rates are low, and your employees have options. What’s more is that employees are more likely to quit because of you, their manager, than anything else in the workplace. So if you want to avoid the high financial and productivity costs of turnover, guess what: You play a key role in keeping them from

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When you’re faced with an extremely difficult or complex decision, what should you do? Our parents, best friends and mentors always offer the sage advice: “Sleep on it.” After all, a good night’s sleep can allow you see things in a new light, think more reasonably and logically, and set your emotions aside. It’s great

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