If you thought the recruiting and hiring process was overwhelming, take a moment to remember how you felt when you started a new job with a new company. It’s rough. From the moment you extend an offer (granted the job candidate accepts), your new hire is likely filled with all sorts of anxiety. Did they
I am starting this episode a little differently than I normally do and I’m asking YOU a question rather than answering a question. Tweet it out: Choose to interact with your team early in the day – it sets a great example and creates a climate for encouragement and growth. @KevinEikenberry From This Episode: Sign
Boost creativity and innovation in your workplace by following these 10 tips: Eradicate fear Nothing stymies innovation like fear. If your employees are afraid of making mistakes—because they’ll be fired, publicly reprimanded or anything else along those lines—don’t expect them to take any chances with outside-the-box ideas. The same goes for fear of embarrassment. If
By Barry Kaplan and Jeff Manchester, authors of THE POWER OF VULNERABILITY: How to Create a Team of Leaders by Shifting Inward In our work with hundreds of organizations, it has become clear that in order for teams to unleash their full potential, team members must experience true and authentic connections with one another. Only
By Karyn Schoenbart, CEO of The NPD Group and author of MOM.B.A.:Essential Business Advice from One Generation to the Next Early in my career, I discovered I was good at sales. The more companies I saw, the more proposals I wrote, the more contracts I sold. The formula for success was clear and within a
Gaining team consensus is a huge win. After all, it means everyone is on the same page, and that you can more easily move forward and begin making progress. What happens, however, when you can’t reach consensus? In team settings, it’s certainly not abnormal (nor it is it a bad thing) for members to disagree.
This time of year is filled with fun, traditions and joy. However, it can also be filled with stress. A packed schedule, bad weather, financial worries and other issues can leave people feeling overwhelmed. Added pressures in the office can push people to the brink. After all, many of your employees are working hard to
Celebration is often a challenging topic for leaders. They wonder if they should celebrate and when it’s appropriate to do so. You tend to see two extremes: Those who don’t celebrate anything because employees “already know they are succeeding so why waste time celebrating?” and those who celebrate every-single-thing along the way. The best solution
Managing expectations: it’s a common phrase that most leaders will hear at some point or another in their career. And understanding what exactly this means is critical to how well we can do it. So today I am giving you the “common” definition and mine. https://youtu.be/XoWW5nx3dcs?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: Manage your expectations intentionally and for
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