When it comes to leadership, few things are as important as your employees’ trust in you. Once you lose it, it’s very hard to earn it back. Follow these 10 tips to build your employees’ trust (or rebuild it once it’s lost): Align your words and actions. Follow through with your commitments and promises. Honor

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To move quickly, pivot, overcome challenges and meet your goals, you need your employees to trust you. In fact,  Amanda Setili, author of Fearless Growth: The New Rules to Stay Competitive, Foster Innovation, and Dominate Your Markets, says it’s more important now than ever before. Why? Because without trust, you will never create the deep engagement

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We talk about the importance of effective communication a lot. In fact, it’s included in some way or another in just about every training course, workshop or webinar that we deliver – because it’s that important to our success as leaders. And today, I am sharing just ONE TIP that can drastically improve your communication.

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When employees needs are not met, they find it difficult — if not impossible — to focus on anything else. As their leader, you play a pivotal role in ensuring that those needs are met. If you put in the time and effort, employees will perform at a higher level, will be more loyal and

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Would you like your team to be more creative? Let me clue you in on something. It isn’t about techniques or strategies. It isn’t about hiring more creatively gifted people either. The most important first step to helping your employees become more creative is to believe that they have creative potential. So, once you believe it is

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Gossip is like a mushroom. Wait, what? That’s right, I’m answering today’s question with a little comparison… How do I reduce the amount of gossip in our office? Check out the video below to find out! Tweet it out: Better communication reduces gossip. @KevinEikenberry

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I have the good fortune of working with lots of leaders, and often have the chance to talk with, teach or consult with them on a variety of issues including their role as a coach. The vast majority of those I work with truly want to be more effective and make a difference for their

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I want you to pause for a minute and imagine this scenario: You ask an employee, coworker, friend or family member for an honest opinion. The person offers it, but it’s not exactly what you wanted to hear. Perhaps your spouse commented that she didn’t like the new dish you prepared. Or your coworker disagreed

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Sometimes it’s hard to get out of our own comfort zone to really get down to it and affect change. In today’s video, I’ll give you four tips to help you combat the comfort zone. Combat your comfort zone by finding something better to strive for. @KevinEikenberry

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When dictators come to power, they often use a well-planned strategy for ousting their rivals. Part of that strategy helps them to justify the harsh tactics they use against their political opponents. One part of the strategy gradually strips away the human character of people who stand between the dictator and total control of the

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