As your leader, your job is about so much more than checking tasks off a to-do list and telling your staff what to do. You have the power to make a real difference in the business and in the lives of your employees. You need to always be thinking about the big picture and how

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If you’re a leader, best-selling author Jon Gordon wants you to take this message to heart: Spreading negative energy solves nothing. In fact, it causes people to shut down. Morale suffers, employees disengage, productivity takes a hit, and profits fall. “It’s easy to get upset and derailed by anger when things go wrong, but then

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We recently received this question: Do you have any tips for communicating with my team as a new leader? In today’s video, I’m going to answer this question from a slightly different angle by helping leaders lead their first team meeting – providing ideas and solutions for how to communicate and what to communicate in

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One of the best tools for accelerating your leadership development is a 360 Assessment. The gist is this: Eight to 10 of your coworkers, and specifically your employees, spend some time assessing your abilities to lead, manage, communicate, motivate and more. So whether you are a team leader or the CEO of a company, you should

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We’ve all attended meetings that were a big waste of time. There are many ways meetings can go wrong, but as a manager, you can prevent many of those problems. Check your meeting behaviors against the following list, and make changes if you’re guilty of any of these sins: Meeting for the sake of meeting. Don’t

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Today I’m asking and answering a paradoxical question: How important are leaders? And the answer will help all of us to be better leaders. Tweet it Out: Remember that, while you are important, leadership isn’t about you at all. @KevinEikenberry

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Because you are reading these words, I am confident you are a believer in ongoing learning and development for yourself and those you lead. So you may find it hard to understand why your team members dread the training that you make available to them. Many leaders who have attended my leadership training courses through

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On today’s video, I’m answering a common leadership question and providing five actionable tips to help you be more successful. How can I help others without doing it for them? As a leader, be helpful but don’t do it for them. @KevinEikenberry

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Hiring is stressful, especially when you’ve never done it before. Hire the wrong person and you can cost yourself and your organization time and money. However, “when you adopt proven hiring strategies, you can retain a steady flow of talent to fill open job positions and replace underperforming employees quickly. And when your hiring is

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