I think we all know someone like this: they’re good at the technical parts of their job, BUT that’s all they want to do… And while they might argue that they’re “doing their job”, this isn’t really the case. Check out the video below for two very powerful suggestions to lead employees beyond this sticky
When I was asked recently how leaders should communicate when they are stressed, I had three very specific answers to this common question. I’m sharing them in today’s video. https://youtu.be/1I6SDT8E7BE?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: If you are stressed, now might not be the time to communicate. Can you wait? via @KevinEikenberry
Delegation is extremely important to our success as leaders, but there is one very important task that absolutely should not be delegated. Here’s what I’m talking about… Tweet it out: Great leaders delegate often, but they don’t delegate the important responsibility of coaching. via @KevinEikenberry
This is a guest post by John Findlay is co-founder of Launchfire. You just took over a team, and you are frustrated with the level of training your employees received under your predecessor. Perhaps the previous leader didn’t invest in training at all or maybe he or she just wasted everyone’s time with ineffective training. And
It’s this time of year when companies are working on their plans for next year. They are finalizing budgets, setting goals and more in hopes of building on this year’s successes or improving performance that didn’t quite meet expectations. Additionally, some businesses are sketching out plans to increase hiring in the coming year, while others
Confidence is important to the success of anyone, and it’s even more important for new leaders who need to build their confidence while they are learning and adapting to a new role. In today’s video, I’m sharing a few tips for building the confidence you need to succeed. Check it out below! https://youtu.be/gd1BaIKTdt8?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it
One of the most common questions I get in workshops and coaching conversations is this… “How do you motivate an unmotivated person?” This question has two basic problems. There are no unmotivated people, and You can’t motivate anyone other than you. Let’s quickly deal with these two issues. There are no unmotivated people. Consider this…
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