Effective communication can be challenging in any circumstance, but it can be especially tricky when you’re a new leader – with a new team, new responsibilities and new situations. So in today’s video, I’m giving you some specific tips to help make your communication more effective and more successful. Tweet it out: Successful communication with
New supervisors often struggle with coaching the employees on their teams, and one of the reasons they often give for the struggle is that they don’t have time for or don’t know how to have the conversation. Many times, the challenge starts with the new supervisor thinking that a coaching conversation has to be a
We recently got the following question: How do I encourage my staff to set challenging goals for their employees. And while this is a great question, unfortunately, it is setting them up for failure. You see, there is a key component that all leaders must think about in regards to goal setting and goal achievement.
As a new leader, it can be tough to figure out how to motivate your employees to perform at a higher level at work. Surprisingly, a good place to start doesn’t have much to do with work at all. You can actually look at employees’ hobbies and interests to find clues about what motivates them and apply that
At some point in your leadership career, someone you lead will say or do something that seems crazy, illogical, or irrational to you. Maybe you have already had this experience. When it happens, you might be at a loss for what to do next. If their actions aren’t interfering with or limiting team performance in
PTFE or polytetrafluoroethylene was discovered on April 6, 1938 by Dr. Roy Plunkett at the DuPont research laboratories, and it was patented in February of 1941. You know PTFE as Teflon, the non-stick coating used on pans, griddles, grills and the like. The chemical has a growing list of uses, and it has made DuPont a
Do any of your team members have frustrating and annoying behaviors? Do they do things (or not do things) that really get under your skin? If they do, you are not alone. One of the most common questions we get in our Bud to Boss workshops is related to handling frustrating and annoying employee behaviors.
As a leader, building rapport and trust with a new team is absolutely essential to your success. Here are four steps to help speed this process along and build the relationships as quickly as possible. Tweet it out: We build rapport by putting our focus on the other person, not ourselves. @KevinEikenberry
As leaders, we will eventually have to earn the respect and credibility of people whose shoes we’ve never been in and whose jobs we’ve never held. Check out today’s video for tips to smoothly handle this leadership challenge. https://youtu.be/puI9pau7Q3g?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: As a coach, bring the expertise you do have, and worry less on
I was recently asked, How do I influence others to want to be better and recognize where growth needs to occur? It’s an important question and one that I know many others have. The shortest answer is two-fold: Influence them by improving yourself everyday Spur their recognition through solid, ongoing coaching. Let me say
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