Making the transition from co-worker to supervisor is challenging. And whether it’s you making the transition or you have new supervisors who are making the transition, I have 4 tips to help anyone navigate this situation more successfully and less stressfully. Check it out in the video below. Tweet it out: One of the best

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How important is earning the trust of your employees? Very important. Leaders who gain the trust of their employees experience increased morale, loyalty, innovation and retention. Meanwhile, untrustworthy leaders breed resentment, doubt, frustration, low productivity and turnover. Unfortunately, there is quite the leadership trust gap. According to a Global Leadership Pulse Survey, more than 90%

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At some point in your leadership experience, you will probably be the new person on the team. You will join an existing team where you need to assume the leadership position. As the leader, you will probably be expected to make changes and improvements to increase team performance. And as the “newbie” on the team,

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Yes, there really is such a thing as positive criticism and these four tips will help you give this feedback more effectively. Check it out in the video below. Tweet it out: The best coaches can give criticism in a way that is caring and kind – without the message being lost. @BudtoBoss

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At some point in your leadership career, you will need to “manage upward” – sell an idea, strategy, or approach to your leader that they either don’t want, don’t understand, or don’t like. The art of successfully navigating these complicated and difficult situations requires both tact and diplomacy. Ultimately, these situations rely on the same

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This article has been submitted by the team at Grapevine Evaluations. Becoming a manager is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It’s your time to prove why you deserve this promotion. You’re in the spotlight, and it’s a great deal of pressure. There are many opportunities for you to succeed, although there

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Today’s question is this: How can I reprimand without offending? And before I can answer that question, I think it’s important that we look at the meaning of that word: REPRIMAND. This provides some important insights into the answer for us as leaders. Check out today’s video to learn more! Tweet it out: We

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To motivate employees, you don’t have to throw elaborate parties or offer them big bonuses. In fact, engaging your staff, often comes down to a few simple acts and well-timed phrases. Yet, despite how easy it is, too many leaders (especially new leaders) fail to take the time to show employees appreciation and respect. Don’t make that mistake. Instead,

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In a previous post, I offered five tips for giving feedback in a non-threatening way. While those tips are good in general and will help you in any coaching conversation, there is a specific situation that calls for some extra care – coaching and offering performance feedback to friends who now report to you. There

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As 2015 came to an end, the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was definitely the event of the season. The mega block buster has exceeded $851 million already in sales, and that number certainly will climb. Given the success of the movie, and since January is the time of year when we all set goals,

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