Recruiting and hiring a new employee is absolutely critical to our success and sometimes we’re not focusing on the most important factors when we make these decisions. Check out the video below for tips on getting this process right. [Tweet “Hiring a new leader starts with finding the right cultural and value fit.”]
When it comes to work these days, we’re all expected to do more with less, but is this nose-to-the-grindstone philosophy the best way to run a business? Alarmingly low employee engagement numbers indicate otherwise. So, if pushing everyone harder isn’t the path to productivity, what is? In his new book The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an Environment
Many employees probably groan and grumble when they see that you have scheduled yet another meeting. But Cameron Herold, a business development expert and author of Double Double: How to Double Your Revenue and Profit in 3 Years or Less, insists it doesn’t need to be that way. “Meetings aren’t terrible,” Herold says. “We’re just terrible at running
Leadership experts are always talking about the importance of engaging employees. As a new leader, do you really know what motivates your employees? If you think it’s all about money and benefits, you are wrong. As this infographic created by UEarnedIt shows us, fully engaging your employees has more to do with providing meaningful experiences and
By RoseAnn Sorce Past research as well as conventional wisdom about the use of humor by leaders suggests that positive humor should result in happier employees who are satisfied with their jobs. Conventional wisdom also suggests that leaders should avoid negative humor, though actual support for that belief is scarce and ambiguous. Now, a recent study
In a previous post, I shared four goal-setting and recognition ideas you can use to encourage your team to have positive, engaged attitudes. As I said in that post, the issue is rather complex and the suggestions in that post are not the end of the discussion. Sometimes you can do everything in your
Here are four immediate actions you can take to help new supervisors in your organization succeed. Check it out here. Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio [Tweet “New supervisors need assistance to succeed. Make sure you are doing what you can to help them.”] Set the new supervisors in your organization up
There’s a decision that needs to be made and you and your team are just WAITING…on your boss… Here’s how to handle this tricky situation! Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio If you need to get your boss to make a decision, understand their perspective better before influencing further. @KevinEikenberry CLICK
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