Here are four immediate actions you can take to help new supervisors in your organization succeed. Check it out here. Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio [Tweet “New supervisors need assistance to succeed. Make sure you are doing what you can to help them.”] Set the new supervisors in your organization up
There’s a decision that needs to be made and you and your team are just WAITING…on your boss… Here’s how to handle this tricky situation! Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio If you need to get your boss to make a decision, understand their perspective better before influencing further. @KevinEikenberry CLICK
The most important thing you can do as a leader is to establish expectations for your employees. After all, if you don’t show your employees what success looks like, they may never figure out what it takes to succeed within your organization and team. Follow these six steps to set crystal-clear expectations for your staff:Make them
In two previous posts, I shared ways to help your team move beyond conflict and ways to focus your attention for better conflict resolution. Today, I’m turning my attention to coaching approaches you can use to encourage your team to behave in ways that lead to reducing the number of conflicts you experience and to
How do you deal with members of your team that don’t recognize you as the new leader? Check out today’s video for tips on getting your team on-board with your new role. Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio If you want people to recognize you as the leader, start by recognizing
Have you ever watched a conflict conversation on a reality TV show? If you have, you might have noticed that they almost always gravitate towards what people said, what people meant, why people did or did not do certain things, etc. These conversations are heavily focused on what has already happened – the past.
Clear expectations are the foundation of great performance. Check out today’s video for an easy 5-step process to help you set clear expectations. Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio Expectations become clear through conversation, agreement, and writing them down. @KevinEikenberry CLICK TO TWEET
As a new supervisor, your only concern right now may be to take over the team, without making a mistake that makes everyone doubt your leadership skills. You may just be focused on doing the job, without rocking the boat, so to speak, until you feel more comfortable managing your new duties. The idea of making
From Leadership & Learning with Kevin Eikenberry Why is it that some leaders can easily gain compliance from the people they are trying to lead, while others struggle? What leadership skills are necessary to successfully build and lead a unified team? The answers to those questions vary, depending on whom you ask, but one skill that is
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