Today’s question is about perceptions – and specifically, how you can shift the perception others have of you to that of a leader. Check out this short video below to hear more! The best way to change perceptions is make your intention clear and live what you want the perception to be. @KevinEikenberry CLICK
If you are like most (if not all) managers, you want to increase the efficiency and productivity of your team. After all, streamlining and finding better ways to work helps to ensure that you meet your team’s goals. And that bodes well for everyone, especially you. In this infographic, WD Storage shares minor tweaks you can
One of the questions we are often asked in both our Bud to Boss and Remarkable Communicator workshops is: “How do you get people to listen when they are set in their ways?” Like so many questions related to leadership and communication, there’s a short answer and a more complete answer. The short answer is:
Today’s question is a sticky one, and one that I bet almost every leader can relate to at some point or another in their career… Do you see the need to maintain some type of distance between a leader and followers? Recognizing the difference between a leader and their followers doesn’t have to create
In a previous post, I shared a tip for how to quickly capture the attention of someone who tends to jump ahead and make assumptions about what you are attempting to communicate. In this post, I’m taking my answer to the original question about dealing with interruptions one step farther to share a technique you
One of the questions we got during our recent Bud to Boss Livecast addresses a common communication frustration. Here’s the question… “How can I capture the attention of others so they listen, hear and understand – as opposed to having them ‘tune out’ or jump ahead to an incorrect conclusion/assumption – especially when I don’t
The biggest problem with collaborative problem solving is the collaborative part. Many new leaders became leaders because they know how to get things done. That individual ability to solve problems, applied in a team environment, can become a weakness as the new leader pushes strongly for a solution that others resist. I have been that
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