The world has changed a lot in the last 20 months. And all of this change has rightly gotten everyone thinking and talking about the future of work. Where will we work, when we will work, how will we work, and will it all work? There is understandable uncertainty about those questions. But now isn’t

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As you live in this very uncertain present, you can see that the future of your work – where, when, and how you do it – might be changing. If that future looks murky, uncomfortable, or scary, you are not alone. And if you are looking not just for yourself but for your team or

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How do you know when an employee is engaged? The usual answers include obvious signs like  participation in meetings and projects, high quality work product, and responsiveness to requests from the manager and teammates. All of that is true, and there’s a paradox at work. It involves the ability to stay more engaged by disconnecting

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You tell me – is email the best thing since sliced bread or the bane of your work existence?  Chances are you have considered it to be both – perhaps on the same day. My colleague and co-author Wayne Turmel wrote a great post with the same title on our Remote Leadership Institute blog and

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by Stacy Henry If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that you can’t go back to where you used to be. This is especially true today. Since 2020, our lives have changed. Our collected experience has given us better understanding, different expectations, and a new direction. As things are opening up and

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How did meetings work in your organization before the pandemic? Now that you’re working in a hybrid fashion, have you made adjustments to that meeting culture? Kevin explains some important distinctions that certainly make a big difference. Stay in the know with all the latest developments in remote work with the Future of Work newsletter.

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by Wayne Turmel New leaders rely on the skills we had as teammates and the habits that made us successful. But what if there’s one thing you did that wasn’t as productive as you thought it was, and now is a great time to change? We’re talking about the over use and abuse of email.

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Get a couple of books under your belt, and people ask you a lot of questions (and expect answers). Lately we have been asked about the skills needed for organizations to grow. I struggle to answer it, because the answer isn’t that simple. It’s easy to throw around buzzwords like, “ideation,” and everyone’s favorite, “synergistic

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In order for your hybrid team to succeed, individual hybrid team members must have the skills to succeed.  The old cliché that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link definitely applies here.  Recently I wrote a post on the Remote Leadership Institute Blog about determining what those skills might be across your

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by Guy Harris Coaching team members can be challenging even when everyone is in the same place. Coaching a team with everyone working remotely introduces additional challenges. And coaching a team with some members working in the office and others working remotely (a hybrid team), introduces still more challenges. Coaching a hybrid team of leaders

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