Leaders, whether they realize it or not, are in the change business. After all, if nothing was changing, and things were going great, would we even need leaders? But since things are always changing, perhaps faster than ever, we need leaders who can effectively lead change. In other words, leaders need to master change leadership. To

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There are plenty of definitions of wisdom – and not just from the dictionary. There are philosophical and psychological definitions – even biblical ones. My goal here isn’t to dive into those distinctions but to be pragmatic and practical about the important quality of wisdom – more specifically leadership wisdom. Why? Because whatever your definition, given the

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I’m writing this before Election Day, not knowing who will be elected to serve as our President. And I’m not writing a political piece, but I am making a prediction (not that one). And I hope, that for those who read it, it will make my prediction wrong. Anxious and emotional. Lots of people, regardless of who

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Depending on who you talk to, the information age has been upon us for 50-70 years. Regardless of how you want to define it, we know that we have more information available, and it is more easily accessible than it has ever been. Rarely today do we need more information. What we need is more

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Policies are a bane to the existence of most employees. While they aren’t generally set to be a stumbling block, too often that is what they become. Let’s look at the problems with policies and what you can do to overcome those problems.The ProblemsHere is a short list about what your team members don’t like

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We all face uncertainty every day – in big and small ways. Perhaps because it seems to be everywhere, we may underappreciate how much we would prefer to avoid it – more on that in a minute. In a world where the level of complexity continues to grow, uncertainty follows automatically. The best leaders need

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By now, anyone interested in remote work has heard about Amazon’s announcement that all administrative folks must go back to the office five days a week. Reactions out in the world have ranged from, “This is the end of remote work,” to “Jeff Bezos is the devil and will pay with everyone quitting.” What is

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I’ve written about how complexity can be a problem and a challenge for us. Which begs the question, what is the antidote for complexity? Given that complexity is, well, complex, there isn’t a complete answer I can share in a few hundred words. But there is a short answer that points the way. The antidote to

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I don’t know where you stand on your view of AI. I don’t know if you are an innovator with these tools or are scared and worried. I see people across that spectrum everyday – and regardless of where you are, I am writing to all of you. This isn’t an article an article about tools,

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Complexity seems to be a watchword of our time. Most of us would agree that the world and our work is more complex than ever. I don’t need to make this case or give support to the reasons why. But that existence of complexity isn’t really the problem. The challenge is that complexity is hard

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