Let me start with the obvious: 2020 and 2021 (so far) have been hard on your organization and also for you as a leader and likely a long-distance teammate.  Now for the equally true but less obvious: The future, starting now and for awhile, isn’t going to be easier – in fact, it might be

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by Kevin Eikenberry As a new or front-line leader you are in a unique position related to changes in work location and working hours.  You need to help your team adapt to new levels of flexibility, and you must succeed in this new environment personally as well.  A few months ago I created a video

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Welcome to the Future of Work! We’re all moving forward in what will be viewed in hindsight as a major change in how we all work. In the first of a series of videos, Kevin and Wayne take a look at what some of the biggest concerns are facing both leaders and team members as

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Put yourself in a time machine and dial it back two years. As you looked at the future for your industry, your organization, your work, and your workplace, you saw lots of changes and uncertainty ahead. Plenty was being written and spoken about how fast change was happening and how to cope with it. Now

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Humans have a love-hate relationship with technology. We curse the need to be tethered to email and Slack for work while not being able to avoid our personal screens for more than a few minutes at a time. Everyone complains about the tools they have at their disposal, but shudder at the thought of learning

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Here’s something you probably never thought of. The last year and a half or so of the COVID pandemic has been a lot like a trip to the International Space Station. We were launched from our snug, regular office routines and sent to live and work in isolation, with most of our communication coming virtually.

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I am a flag-flying, proud American. As such, I grew up believing in the power and privilege of freedom. I believe that freedom is a good thing. I also know that it is possible to have too much of a good thing, including freedom. When it comes to work freedom, there is clearly a point

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It’s 2021, and businesses are no longer keeping social concerns outside of the workplace. Instead, many are trying to be inclusive and are actively planning for diversity in the workplace. Diversity comes in many guises. It means to be inclusive of a person irrespective of their race, age, gender, ethnicity, disability, or other aspects.   Remote

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by Kevin Eikenberry If you worked remotely over the past year or so, you are likely now in one of two positions:  You either know you will have some sort of hybrid work future, or you are still waiting to hear what your future of work will be, but expect there will be a hybrid

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By Kevin Eikenberry Which matters more, the results people are hired to do, or the people who must do that work? Some see it like the chicken and the egg riddle, while others clearly find themselves on one side of the other.  We are living in a time where the tangible results of how leaders

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