“I love to see people impacted by a great experience”, says Chip Bell, a renowned keynote speaker and the author of several best-selling books. In this episode, Kevin and Chip discuss some differences between customer service and innovative service. Further, how you can move from just value added to value unique and create a story

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In today’s episode, I explore the traits that make up exceptional leaders, with best-selling author and founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, Steve Farber. We also examine “love” in terms of creating a work environment where your clients love your products AND your employees love to do their job successfully! Listen Now In this episode,

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Customer Service Week is October 7-11. What do you have planned? Customer service is something that you can celebrate—and improve—year-round. But here are a couple of ways to honor your customer service representatives right now:  Treat them to a sweet. Saying “Thank you” doesn’t need to be lavish or expensive. Grab a large bag of

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This is a guest post by business writer and editor Catherine Welborn. The other day I was in a toy store when I heard a manager say something that left me absolutely dumbfounded. She was at the back of the store when one of her employees approached her, complaining about a “problem” customer. In a

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Last week,  I asked you to walk in the shoes of your Customers for a minute – and closed by asking you four questions with easy answers . . . but without helping you get to those answers. This week, I will close the loop by helping you lead in a way that creates closer,

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Let’s say you decided to start a business (I know, some of you have, stay with me). There are lots of things to think about – marketing, sales, production, financials, and LOTS more. But regardless of what type of business you are in, you can’t do it alone. You will have suppliers – from insurance

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We, as leaders, make a big mistake sometimes, and when we fall prey to this mistake, it spreads throughout our organization. I’m going to tell you what this mistake is, why it happens, and how to fix it, in less than 400 words. Are you ready? The Mistake We frame our customer relationships as solely

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Perhaps the oldest conundrum of all is – which came first, the chicken or the egg? Perhaps the oldest in the minds of savvy leaders is, what is more important, my Customers or my Employees?It’s the CustomersMany wonderful books have been written about putting the Customer first. In 1983, Tom Peters and Bob Waterman (in In

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I know, it seems like everyone and everything as a “week” or a “day,” yet few seem more fitting to celebrate than our Customers and how we serve them better. As leaders in any industry at any level, we must consider  Customer Service as an important part of our job. I know, some of you

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By Chip Bell My friend Chip Bell has studied and spoken on Customer Service for many years. He has consulted with large influential companies on this topic and written a number of great books on the subject too. Now, his latest book takes Service to a new, innovative level. This book isn’t an academic treatise,

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