Last week, I gave you a metaphor to consider – the idea that we romance Clients or Customers to get them (like a first few dates), but after they are Clients, we tend to focus less attention on them (like 10 years after the wedding). If you want to avoid this tendency, both personally and

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It’s June – the month of weddings. And since I got married 27 years ago this coming August, I have but a vague memory of the courtship process. Here’s how I recall it:  You identify someone you would like to attract (we’ll call them a prospect), and begin selling. You work hard to be noticed,

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Every leader at every level in every organization needs to think about Customer Service. Whether you lead a team that is talking to paying Customers every day, supporting those that do, or just interacting with internal Customers, the need for Customer Service skills –and a Customer orientation is critical. When this subject comes up when

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For the past 6 years, we’ve offered a variety of public workshops across the country in conjunction with our media partner, Briefings Media Group (perhaps you’ve even attended one). And today I’m excited to announce our acquisition of these workshops as the newest way that we are striving to better serve your learning needs. I

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So I am counting down to Christmas, helping all the leaders who read this by giving them short daily tasks that when done are translated into gifts for them and those they lead.  All the details came on on 12/12/12 – here is that background and a list of the previously posted tasks/gifts. I’ve tried

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Some time ago, I was delivering two workshops in Toronto. During the first, there were a couple of comments about professionalism, along the lines of, “I want my people to act like professionals.” Others in the room nodded their heads, and while I considered asking a follow up, clarifying question, I opted to move on

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It is one of those milestone birthdays. 50 years. When my Dad turned fifty he said “I can’t decide if I am going to start counting backwards next year, or just adjust my birthdays to the Celsius scale.”  I was 30 when he said it, and it made me laugh. It still makes me laugh.

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Have you ever had a problem and needed to vent or just share what you were dealing with? When you are in this situation, are you always necessarily looking for advice, input, or counsel? If you are like most people, probably not. So why is it that when people come to us with their problems or

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I wrote the piece that follows several years ago, and the events happened years before that.  I share it on this blog today (with minor edits), because today, Lori and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  Of all the blessings in my life, none match what she has brought and brings to my life every

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