In certain situations we all understand and value the importance of encouragement. Take, with kids for example.  When they are learning to walk and talk, there is tons of encouragement from every adult around. We know that if they keep at it they will succeed. Take, our friends as a second example.  When our closest friends

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We all meet new people, in all phases of our lives. In some of those situations we may not be consciously thinking about the importance of making a good first impression; however, conscious or not, we are always making an impression. Sometimes – be it the person we are meeting, the situation we are in

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In today’s issue of our Powerquotes Plus newsletter I shared this quote from B.C. Forbes, the founder and publisher of Forbes Magazine: “Opportunity rarely knocks on your door.  Knock rather on opportunity’s door if you ardently wish to enter.” As a leader we must be in the opportunity business. What are the opportunities to heklp

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You’ve probably read about  it – I know I have many times – about the person returning tires to a Nordstom’s store and receiving a refund, even though Nordstom’s never sold tires. I mentioned this story today on a teleseminar for the members of  the Remarkable Leadership Learning System.  This month our members are focusing

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Have you ever screwed up in a personal relationship? Have you ever said the wrong thing, missed a deadline or otherwise disappointed someone? When that happened, if you cared about the relationship, what did you do? Your answers may vary, but I’m confident you were most successful when you apologized, and when you showed your

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I own a Flip video camera – and have for a couple years.  I know I don’t use it in as many ways as I can, but we have done some neat things with it – personally and in our business.  I have also shared several ideas with leaders on ways they could use them.

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If you are on our email lists, or if you read my Remarkable Learning Blog, you know that during October we are celebrating the 16th Anniversary of the start of the Kevin Eikenberry Group. One way we are celebrating is by offering a 16% discount on October purchases of 6 of our selected products. Each of the

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I’ve spent a little time recently remembering Walter Cronkite. I was just a kid when he dominated nightly news, but I’ve always felt like Mr. Cronkite was someone with whom I would really like to have dinner. Every report I’ve read, every broadcast I’ve seen and every montage piece produced since his death has included some version

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Since this month in the Remarkable Leadership Learning System we are talking about Innovation and Creativity and the Sears Tower just changed names; it seems only fitting that I write about Richard Sears the founder of Sears & Roebuck. Richard Sears is considered an innovative genius by historians studying the period of the Industrial Revolution.

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This is the sixth guest blog post from our ten finalists in this year’s Best of Leadership Blogs competition (vote for any one of the finalists here) LeaderTalk is an up-and-coming leadership blog from Mountain State University that focuses on lifelong learning and strives to influence through insight. At LeaderTalk, knowledge is used to create

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