So the stock market dropped again on WednesdayÂ… GREAT! You may laugh, and think who in the world would say this about the DOW dropping 184 points. However, the drop provided me with an opportunity. I have the option to buy prime stocks that I could never afford before. For instance, Procter and Gamble is

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Members of our Remarkable Leadership Learning System (get a sample or a free trial in the right column) are learning about creating Customer Partnerships this month, and as a part of that process had the chance to listen to and interact with Steve Yastrow, author of We: The Ideal Customer Relationship in our Guest Conversation

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Each month members of the Remarkable Leadership Learning System (you can get your sample on the right, or learn more here) focus on one skill.  This month’s skill is Developing Customer Partnerships. And members at the Silver level and above get the opportunity to participate in a guest call each month.  These calls are with

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This article is about two things: recessions and a solution to them. Don’t worry this is not an economic treatise about the definitions and causes of economic downturns sometimes called recessions. Rather, it is an explanation of how we can think about these events differently, and, when these circumstances surround us, how we can improve

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