You’ve likely been writing and sending emails most or all your professional life. Maybe you don’t even remember life without email. We write them, hit Send, and magically they arrive in the other person’s inbox. We’ve sent our message; our work is done. This magic is great, until it isn’t. We can make the magic

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Do you use all your allotted sick days each year? Not personal or vacation time, but actual days you are allowed to take if you are unwell? Recent reports suggest probably not. And the ability to work from home has made this a trickier question than it seems.What does the data suggest?A report from the

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As a high school and college kid working on our farm, I remember my dad sometimes taking short naps after lunch. At the time, I didn’t think my dad was lazy in any way, but I didn’t understand it. As a business owner for 30 years (and now past the age of my dad in

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Failure. This isn’t a word that is super inspiring or brings joy to our hearts and minds. Yet it is something we need to think about as a leader and individual. To think about failure in a more effective and helpful way (and perhaps stop avoiding it), let’s realize that there are two kinds of failure.The

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There are plenty of style questions that get asked of leaders – often stated as a dichotomy. Here is one for you – are you results-based or process-based? Perhaps this isn’t one you have thought about, yet I would suggest you should. Let’s talk about the question – and what the best answer might be.Results-Based

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If you missed it, there is a big football game this weekend. I’ve learned there are three types of people in the world. People who can’t wait for the Big Game, those who can’t wait for it to be over (no more football for a while!), and those who just don’t care. This article is

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Are you and your team returning to the office full-time? The numbers say you are, but I don’t believe it. Oh, I know you’re supposed to be back in the office at least four days a week. But is that what’s happening? According to a recent study by Resume Builder, 90% of companies will require people

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Talent attraction has been an important topic and source of concern for wise senior leaders for many years. After all, the organizations with the most talented people have a big competitive advantage. But the focus on talent attraction for any organization only grows when one of two things happens. They lose talent (like many have

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This article starts with an assumption. Good news – your experience will confirm that the assumption is correct. Here it is: We are often most effective when we learn with and from others. And at work, learning from others is often most relevant and practical. If you agree with this assumption, read on. Because I’m

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How’s your team’s hybrid working arrangement working out? Is it better or worse than you expected?After the pandemic, many companies settled on a hybrid way of working. Some people worked mostly remotely while others worked in the office. Others had no definite location requirement, just a minimum number of days they had to be with

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