I have a question for you: Who decides if you are listening? This might seem like an odd question at first, but it’s one of the most important ones we can ask ourselves if we truly want to be great listeners. Over the years, I’ve worked with countless leaders and teams on developing their communication skills,
Two of the most powerful forces on the planet are intention and action. They are linked together, yet completely separate. And as we better understand their power, we are better able to use the collective and individual power of each.ActionNothing happens or changes until someone does something. As leaders, we are in the behavior business.
As a leader, you know that listening is essential. It’s a key part of communication, and we all strive to get better at it. But today, I want to share what I believe is the most powerful reason to listen. We’ve talked about many reasons to listen in this series, from understanding others to acknowledging their
Listening is one of the most fundamental leadership skills—and yet, it’s often one of the most overlooked. In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere, and the art of truly listening has become rare. But what if you could supercharge your listening skills? What if you could make listening so impactful that it transforms your relationships
As leaders, we talk a lot about the importance of listening—but how often do we reflect on how we listen? If you’ve ever wondered how to take your listening skills to the next level, you’re not alone. I’ve spent years studying leadership, and one thing is crystal clear: great listeners ask great questions. Today, I’m excited
Interrupting—it’s a habit many of us struggle with, myself included. Over the years, I’ve come to realize just how much interrupting can hinder communication and damage relationships. If you’re like me, someone who’s been an interrupter and is working on breaking that habit, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into some actionable strategies to
There are plenty of definitions of wisdom – and not just from the dictionary. There are philosophical and psychological definitions – even biblical ones. My goal here isn’t to dive into those distinctions but to be pragmatic and practical about the important quality of wisdom – more specifically leadership wisdom. Why? Because whatever your definition, given the
Listening is a skill that can transform our relationships, our work, and even how we view the world. Over the years, I’ve learned that being a good listener isn’t just about hearing what’s being said—it’s about connecting, understanding, and truly engaging with the person in front of you. Today, I’d like to share five ways
I’m writing this before Election Day, not knowing who will be elected to serve as our President. And I’m not writing a political piece, but I am making a prediction (not that one). And I hope, that for those who read it, it will make my prediction wrong. Anxious and emotional. Lots of people, regardless of who
When it comes to effective leadership, few skills are as critical as listening. But here’s the key insight: listening is not the same as hearing. In fact, many people think they’re good listeners simply because they hear what’s being said, but true listening goes beyond just hearing words—it requires focus, engagement, and, most importantly, empathy. This
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