Whether you have heard of Parkinson’s Law or not, you have heard of the idea. Here’s how Cyril Northcote Parkinson opened his essay in The Economist in 1955: “It is a commonplace observation that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” That line became known as Parkinson’s Law. It has stimulated

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As a leader and presenter, how you close your presentation is just as important as how you open it. In fact, a strong closing can leave a lasting impact on your audience and drive them to take the desired actions. Here are three effective strategies to ensure you finish your presentations on a high note.1.

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Starting your presentation strong is essential for capturing your audience’s attention and setting the stage for a successful delivery. The opening of your presentation is crucial for two primary reasons: it grabs the audience’s attention and it builds interest. Without these elements, your audience may not listen or stay engaged. Here are five effective strategies

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Effective presentations are a cornerstone of successful communication, whether in leadership, education, or any field requiring the conveyance of ideas. One of the most enduring and straightforward methods to structure a presentation was first introduced over 2500 years ago by Aristotle. This method, still relevant today, is based on a simple three-part structure: Introduction, Body,

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Lately I have found myself distracted at work and spending too much time web surfing instead of concentrating on more productive work. In fact, it’s getting to the point that I know I have to cut back. But my computer is where I both work and play. How do I help myself focus? I have to

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Does your employer have the right to know what you’re doing when you’re not in the office? Most of us have a visceral negative reaction to that question. We might take umbrage that they don’t trust us, or shout about Big Brother.  Yet almost two-thirds of us say there’s at least one thing we do during

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Presenting effectively is a crucial skill for leaders, whether you’re speaking to a small team or a large audience. Here are essential insights on how to prepare for your presentation and ensure it has the desired impact.Understanding the BasicsBefore stepping up to present, it’s vital to grasp several fundamental aspects:Topic: Be clear on what you’re

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Recently, I spoke to a gathering of HR professionals and learned something interesting. The most negotiated part of the employment agreement these days (at least for this major employer, and others) is not salary. It’s the ability to work a hybrid schedule. But is hybrid work a perk, or an advantage to employers? It depends

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I’m addressing a topic that might raise a few eyebrows: napping at work. Now, before you dismiss the idea, let’s explore why this could be more than just catching a few z’s during work hours.Is Napping at Work Really a Good Idea?Many might question my credibility for even suggesting napping as a work activity. But,

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In the world of rapid technological advancement, it’s easy to be dazzled by the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But I think that there’s something even more powerful: the human element. AI has brought about astounding changes in how we work and live. Its ability to process data and automate tasks has transformed industries. However, there

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