It’s becoming as big a tradition as the Thanksgiving holiday itself – the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. And this year, many stores have started or will start earlier than Friday morning with their sales. I’m not a fan of waiting in long lines, and not everything I want or want to give can

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The truth is there is probably as much training available on project management as there is on any leadership topic or skill I could ever write about here. Don’t believe me? Google it. There is plenty of training available, plenty of experience with it, plenty of knowledge available. Of course, that doesn’t guarantee that we are all

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There are lots of things people become addicted to. I believe one of the most prevalent isn’t ever mentioned in the same breath with the addictions you thought of as you were reading the first sentence. Under-recognized, unspoken and without a support group, perhaps the biggest addiction that business people have is distractions. For example,

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John Wayne was one of the biggest film stars ever. And his legacy has been hindering leaders for a long time. Unwittingly, in many of his movies, John Wayne “proves” that you can succeed alone. All you need is the biggest will, the most stamina, and the fastest gun. John Wayne taught (well, perhaps reinforced)

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By Mason Currey Do you have rituals or routines that support (or don’t) your productivity? Regardless of your answers to that question, would you like to have an insight into how other people build their life to support their work and passions? In either case, this book is a fascinating way to get answers and

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Have you ever experienced a micro-manager, a control freak, a meddler, or a person who can’t let go? The behavior gets labeled in different ways, but it is really all about the same. How do you like working for or with people like that? If you are like every other person I have talked to

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Everyone reading these words has a place where they work. And most of you have a place where you work best. The goal of this article is to help you make sure those places are one and the same. If you work in a cubicle or office provided by your employer, you might think you can

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Two of the most noted races in the track and field world are the 100 meter dash and the marathon. They are on opposite ends of the length spectrum – a sprint of 100 meters and a long trek of 42,195 meters (26 miles, 385 yards). Many times leaders work and act with an incredible

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Two things I know about most humans. We wish we had more willpower, and we wish we could stay focused. (Most wish they could lose weight too, which, as it turns out, is related to the other two). I’m not writing about losing weight specifically today, but it is one of many things to which

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My Dad used to say that the only concrete that isn’t cracked is still in the bag. Concrete is everywhere, and a good bit of it has cracks. The corollary for communication is that where ever there is communication, there are barriers. Every organization I’ve worked with over the last 20+ years has talked about

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