Charlie Brown. He is one of the best-known fictional characters of the last 75 years (though he first appeared in a different strip earlier, the first Peanuts Strip was published October 2, 1950). He is known by many as a lovable loser, has been often bullied, and called names (“You Blockhead, Charlie Brown!”). Charles Schultz,

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Trust is something we’d all like more of. We’d like to be able to trust more people more. And we’d all like more people to trust us more too. These are universally true statements, even for those who have lots of trusting relationships. But it only considers part of what trust even means. I am talking

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You want an intelligent team, right? Here are five ways to help you build one! [Tweet “If you want a more intelligent team, allow more people the time and space to share their perspectives.”] Listen to the audio-only version of this episode. Learn more about the Remarkable Leadership Workshop.

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The saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. While that may be true in some cases, another old saying is also true: Out of sight, out of mind. Both hold shades of truth for any of us wanting to communicate more effectively with people when we are separated by space. More often though, the

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The idea for this article came from a question I recently received from a manager, who asked: What do you do when a group of people that work together have a lot of history and just don’t generally like each other? As you can see from the title, I’m not answering the exact question, but

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As a new supervisor, your only concern right now may be to take over the team, without making a mistake that makes everyone doubt your leadership skills. You may just be focused on doing the job, without rocking the boat, so to speak, until you feel more comfortable managing your new duties. The idea of making

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If you aren’t a baseball fan, Cal Ripken, Jr. is a Hall of Fame shortstop who played his whole career with the Baltimore Orioles. While over 18,000 have played in the Major Leagues, less than 250 have been elected to the Hall of Fame. And no one who has ever played in 2,632 games in

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Today’s question is this: How do I build trust with new employees? Trust is absolutely critical to our success as leaders, so this is a great question and here’s our answer… Listen to the audio for this episode here: audio Trust is a noun and a verb. The more of the verb you do,

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The recency illusion. It is a phrase most often used in relationship to language usage, but when coined by linguist Arnold Zwicky, he defined it much more broadly as “the belief that things you have noticed only recently are in fact recent.” Here are two interesting language examples: You might think that the use of

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