Recently I attended my 35th High School Class Reunion. Actually, I did more than attend it; I hosted it at our farm. I graduated with about 115 other kids in 1980, and as Class President, I have been involved in the planning of all of our class reunions (though early on, my role was much
When we think about remote or virtual teams, we may think about flexibility, freedom and perhaps even high productivity. And when people are working out and on their own, we typically think that interpersonal issues might not matter as much or happen as often. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. And, when we do experience conflicts
Professional sports leagues create special event games called All Star Games. They create teams of the best players from their leagues to play a game, show off their talents and sell tickets. One way or another (by votes of media, players or fans), the players are selected and the game is played. The total assembled
Attitude, it is said, is contagious. That statement is oft-repeated because it is true. Actually there are two truths inside the short statement. Whatever the attitude is, either positive or negative, it will spread. And, if you aren’t purposefully and intentionally spreading positive, the negative will win. You already know this. You have dealt with
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