Recently I attended my 35th High School Class Reunion. Actually, I did more than attend it; I hosted it at our farm. I graduated with about 115 other kids in 1980, and as Class President, I have been involved in the planning of all of our class reunions (though early on, my role was much

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When we think about remote or virtual teams, we may think about flexibility, freedom and perhaps even high productivity. And when people are working out and on their own, we typically think that interpersonal issues might not matter as much or happen as often. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. And, when we do experience conflicts

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46 years today and tomorrow (as I post this), July 20 and 21st, 1969, are days that everyone my age or older remembers. These are the days when the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon (the 20th) and when Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon (on the 21st). This

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Before I get to the lessons, I need to give you a bit of background. On July 4th, we hosted the ninth annual Farm Party at our farm in Michigan. The flag you see in the picture was signed by nearly all of the 88 attendees of this event. (The other picture shows the flags

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Professional sports leagues create special event games called All Star Games. They create teams of the best players from their leagues to play a game, show off their talents and sell tickets. One way or another (by votes of media, players or fans), the players are selected and the game is played. The total assembled

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The image tells it all. What we want is everyone working together, pulling in the same direction, striving for the same goals. It seems like it ought to be easy. After all, everyone is on the same team. But the more people who are involved on your team and in your organization, the harder this

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Attitude, it is said, is contagious. That statement is oft-repeated because it is true. Actually there are two truths inside the short statement. Whatever the attitude is, either positive or negative, it will spread. And, if you aren’t purposefully and intentionally spreading positive, the negative will win. You already know this. You have dealt with

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Drama. It is a good thing if you are reading a book by your favorite author, you just paid $10 for a ticket to the new release in the theater, or you are watching your favorite show on TV. It’s not so good at work. I am asked questions all the time about solving a

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