Back in the day, I used to run track for my high school’s girls 440 relay team. Even all these years later, I can close my eyes and feel it:  legs churning, heart pounding, as I round the curve, ready to pass the baton. I’m reaching my right hand out to place the baton in

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There is a phrase that TSA uses over the speakers at airports, in public service advertisements and on billboards like the one I recently saw (and took this picture of) in a baggage claim area. If you see something, say something. TSA is wisely using this catchy phrase for several reasons: They want to reinforce

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I have the good fortune of working with lots of leaders, and often have the chance to talk with, teach or consult with them on a variety of issues including their role as a coach. The vast majority of those I work with truly want to be more effective and make a difference for their

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About a month ago, I recommended a new book titled How the World Sees You (read that recommendation here). Since that recommendation and the release of the book on July 1, the book has made #2 on the New York Times Best seller list and #1 on the Wall Street Journal list. This book helps

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Persuasion. I’ve written about it recently, and yesterday I posted a Remarkable TV episode on the same topic. When I start teleseminars (like the ones at, I often start with quotations from others to give greater perspective. Today, I’ve decided to do what I sometimes do at the start of our teleseminars, by sharing some

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I’m going to do something a bit different here this week. Typically in this space and time I recommend a traditional learning resource to you – a book, teleseminar, workshop or perhaps a website. Today I am going to recommend a movie and give you a few thoughts about how to watch it for more

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238 years ago this week, a group of men, a group of leaders, risked their lives and livelihoods to declare their (nonexistent) country’s independence from England. If you are from the United States, I wish you a Happy Independence Day! But actually I am wishing that all of you (regardless of the country that issued

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Gallup is a very smart organization and they do many things well. They also provide great services to organizations and those that lead them, especially in understanding the problem, challenges and solution to employee engagement. But their findings in some recently reported research could potentially be a major disservice to those same leaders. Here’s my

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