I taught myself how to juggle when I was in college. I don’t remember why I did, but I am glad I did. I can juggle different types of balls, cups, small boxes, eggs and combinations of those. And no, I haven’t juggled fire sticks or chainsaws (which people always seem to ask. What do
Over 130 years ago, something amazing and historic happened. The United States government made about 2 million acres of public land in Oklahoma available to homestead. Here’s how it worked. Starting at noon April 22, 1889, legal settlers could claim lots up to 160 acres. If the settler lived on the land and improved it,
Every day, someone gets promoted to be “the boss.” Often, they get promoted from within a team to lead a team of former peers and friends. This is a situation fraught with challenge and offering great opportunity. I’m not alone in recognizing the challenges. My friend, Mike Figliuolo, conducted an unscientific poll here asking about awkward
Watch the Final Four this weekend and I can guarantee two things: You’ll see lots of camera shots of celebrities and parents of players, and the word momentum will be spoken by the announcers at least once. You can watch any sporting event and hear that word – momentum – used almost with reverence. It
Everyone I’ve ever discussed the concept of trust with has a wide range of emotions related to it. While everyone wants more trust in their relationships, and believes that in an environment of higher trust they will be more productive, less stressed, and generally enjoy their life and work more, we are often stymied, wondering
Oftentimes people look at others who appear to have gained stature or success and explain their results as “luck.” While leaders are rarely as popular or visible as rock or movie stars, more than once I’ve heard people talk about a leaders as being lucky. They started at the right company . . . went
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