For the past 6 years, we’ve offered a variety of public workshops across the country in conjunction with our media partner, Briefings Media Group (perhaps you’ve even attended one). And today I’m excited to announce our acquisition of these workshops as the newest way that we are striving to better serve your learning needs. I

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Chances are, in a few days you will be watching the Super Bowl.  Whether at a party, or home alone, whether you are a true fan, or are watching for the commercials (or as an excuse to eat), the Super Bowl offers you a leadership learning opportunity, if you know what to do. Just like

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We may differ on what and why we celebrate this time of the year.  But one thing we don’t differ on . . .  we all like to receive gifts! And the older I get, the more I agree with the adage that it is better to give than to receive. So today we are

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If you have flown very often, you will recognize the following . . . In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will drop down in front of you. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic

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One of my favorite places to shop is Costco. I love being able to get the high quality products I want at a lower price.  The trade-off for the lower price is that you have to buy in quantity.   This quantity thing works great for some items, less well for others.  Take Jif peanut butter

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I often do the following exercise with groups (you can try it after you read it, but I’m not sure it will translate perfectly in writing). “Close your eyes and clear your mind.  I’m going to say a word. I want you to think about the word briefly then open your eyes.  The word is

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