As you likely have heard, Stephen R. Covey, author of many bestselling books, most notably The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People died Monday at age 79 (here is the CNN story).  Covey was an author, speaker, humanitarian, business person and much more.  In 1996 he was named by Time Magazine as one of the

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By John Chen Technology can make our lives easier and more productive – especially when teams are comprised of people working remotely.  All of the technology in the world won’t make teams effective or the individuals on them as productive as possible. In this new book, the author puts the need for team building together

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It is one of those milestone birthdays. 50 years. When my Dad turned fifty he said “I can’t decide if I am going to start counting backwards next year, or just adjust my birthdays to the Celsius scale.”  I was 30 when he said it, and it made me laugh. It still makes me laugh.

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Perhaps this post will prove you can stretch a metaphor a long way (almost as far as a mother of six can stretch a pound of hamburger).  The reality is that I decided to see what I could come up with because this week is National Hamburger Week.  I spent some time thinking about hamburgers

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Part of my team and I are exhibiting at the American Society of Training and Development International Conference in Denver this week.  Yesterday, as a part of the conversations we had with participants, several asked if we provide training for people to prepare them for supervisory/leadership roles before they get those jobs.  As we debriefed

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Have you ever enjoyed the sounds of a rock and roll band? Would you like to have a team that performed as well as your favorite band? With the five tips below you can be on way to creating that rock star team. Have a clear vision and purpose. The band needs to know the

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Today’s Resource Recommendation is Getting Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Level by Joel A. Garfinkle. The title of this book tells you clearly this is a career management book. The title promises that it contains ideas that will help you “take your career to the next level.” This book focuses on

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Effective coaching is a big topic. Here are just a few examples where being a more effective coach can make a difference: at work, for your children’s sports teams, for a friend and in your community. As with anything as important and as pervasive as this topic, there are lots of resources available to you.

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This week’s Resource Recommendation is Business at the Speed of Now by John M. Bernard. I can’t think of a businessperson or leader who wouldn’t be interested in increasing the speed of their operations, which makes the title of this book very appealing. The book, as promised, is focused around the concept of creating greater speed

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Have you ever stopped to really look at a spider web? If you aren’t afraid of spiders, the next time you have a chance, stop and look at a spider web. What you will find is an intricately designed work of art and engineering marvel. Every part of the web is connected to every other

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