I’m not a travel agent, and I don’t work for an airline or cruise ship company. This article isn’t about where you should vacation, what places you should visit or what foods you should eat. For the important point I hope to make in the next few hundred words, those parts of our vacation matter
I’m in Orlando with most my team athe American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) International Convention. Last night, our first night here, we went to B.B. King’s Restuarant and Blues Club. Of the many cool things in the place (and how can the place not be cool if it has B.B. King’s name attached to
Voltaire is attributed with the aphorism “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” You’ve heard others say, “Ready, fire, aim.” I say, “Messy success is better than perfect mediocrity.” And while you may be nodding your head in agreement with one or more of these statements, it doesn’t take long to think, “yes, but what about
Every leader has, in a formal setting or not, needed to provide feedback on performance. In workshops around the world I have asked people to give me their best tips for providing effective feedback. To a person, leaders create great lists of techniques and approaches. Yet one thing, perhaps the most powerful piece of advice,
Joan received an opportunity to lead a large organization in a new industry. Her background prepared her for many of the expectations of the new role, but she didn’t have industry specific knowledge and she didn’t know the company or the people. While she is hardly the first person to be in this situation, she
Think about your perfect supervisor/manager/leader for a minute. Build a mental list of the attributes that perfect person would possess and think about the words you would use to describe that person. Done? I don’t know what is on your list, but I’d bet the farm on what isn’t. Micro manager. I’ve never met anyone
Groundhog Day is a strange tradition. It know the basics about the day, aided in part by the Bill Murray classic movie Groundhog Day. I’m guessing you know the basics too – Punxsutawney Phil comes up out of his hole looking for a shadow, and that tells the people observing him how much longer winter
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