We look in them each day, research says, more often than we realize.  We check our hair and our smile.  We check to see if our shirt is buttoned correctly.  We check to see if we have lettuce from lunch still on our teeth. We look in the mirror often, to check on our physical

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Yesterday, members of the Remarkable Leadership Learning System had the chance to participate in a call with Paul Sloane, international best selling author and expert in both leadership and lateral thinking (here’s his website). Paul shared a string of fabulous ideas and techniques to help everyone be more effective at both problem solving and innovation. 

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Next month I am delivering a brand new program that I extremely excited about! Coaching Training Camp is designed for any leader who wants to be a more effective coach or mentor. Coaching and developing others is one of the most important roles of a leader. While that may seem pretty obvious, for many leaders

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I am proud to be an American.  And I’m never prouder than on this day – Constitution Day.  223 years ago today a group of American citizens ratified our Constitution.  I am not a historian, and it has been awhile since have studied the process that lead to the creation of the U.S. Constitution (Here

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Whitfield and Strong wrote it. Marvin Gaye sang it (and made it famous). Leaders everywhere deal with it – and worry about it all too often. If you know the song, hum along as we talk about how leaders can work with the grapevine and make gossip less daunting and scary. The subtitle gives you

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This week’s Resource Recommendation: Bury My Heart at Conference Room B: The Unbeatable Impact of Truly Committed Managersby Stan Slap. This is fast becoming one of the most talked about business books of the year, and for some very good reasons. It discusses in a new way a very important topic – what are the

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  Rapport building isn’t just something you do when you first meet someone or as a part of a sales call or a negotiation.  As leaders (and human beings) one of our goals must be to build better and deeper relationships, and one of the tangible ways we can do that is through an ongoing

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This is the final (for now any way) post in a loose series about the important of place, location and work environment and how it connects with our values, and ultimately how the intersection of these things relates to productivity.  If you missed any of the others, or to provide a context for these thoughts,

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