There are tools, seminars, books, CD’s, teleseminar, webinars and workshops (and more) to help you learn and improve in any area of your life. I should know, I have bought and attended many of them, and sold a great number of them as well. This article isn’t meant dissuade you from investing in these opportunities,

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This month, proactive leaders who are continually improving their leadership skills as members of the Remarkable Leadership Learning System are focused on Communicating with Confidence.   Yesterday was the Guest Conversation for Silver members (and above) and it featured Kate Atkin, leadership and confidence expert, and author of The Confident Manager.  (She also wrote a blog post about

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The disaster happened in Haiti one full month ago.  It is hard to believe.  Just a few days after the tragedy, I challenged us all as leaders and humans to take action – not only to help, but as a leadership development exercise.  (Take a read). Then a few days later, I offered a deal

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Complacency – and its ill effects – is all around us. Consider politics. Democrats held one Senate seat for 47 years, and assumed they’d win again in 2010 but didn’t. Consider sports. 2010 is the first year since 1993 – that’s 17 years – that both number one seeds, presumably the two best teams, are

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Everyone has problems. Big problems, little problems, work problems, relationship problems; pick an area of your life and you probably have at least one, or have had one. At some point along the way you may have received some problem solving training. I know a little bit about that kind of training; I’ve attended some

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I own a Flip video camera – and have for a couple years.  I know I don’t use it in as many ways as I can, but we have done some neat things with it – personally and in our business.  I have also shared several ideas with leaders on ways they could use them.

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Ahh, the comfort zone. As humans, this is a place we love. We look for, strive for and have created products and even entire industries to help find and maintain high levels of comfort (hello Lazy-Boy!). You’ll find this desire for the comfort zone in all areas of life – physically, mentally, emotionally and more;

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One of my winter memories as a kid was doing jigsaw puzzles – especially at the holidays or on “snow days” those wonderful times in western Michigan when there was more snow than the plows could handle and there was no school because of it. While I haven’t really worked on a jigsaw puzzle for

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