Members of our Remarkable Leadership Learning System (get a sample or a free trial in the right column) are learning about creating Customer Partnerships this month, and as a part of that process had the chance to listen to and interact with Steve Yastrow, author of We: The Ideal Customer Relationship in our Guest Conversation

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As has been reported widely in the past couple of days, President Obama has been in office for 100 days.  If he is in office for one term (all that can be guaranteed at this time), his total time in office (depending on how you count the two Inauguration Days) will be 1460 days. In other

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Twitter, if you don’t know, is a micro-blogging or instant updating social media tool, that is growing at expontential rates (even before Oprah joined the party).  I’ve been on Twitter user for over a year and now have over 4100 followers, which probably puts me in the top couple percent of all users. But it

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In a casual conversation this morning, Jenny Pratt told about her daughter Madison’s current third grade English assignment, which included writing Cinquain poetry*.  Not knowing anything about this type of poetry I was intrigued and thought it might be fun to write some for a blog post. Leadership responsibility opportunity communicating inspiring encouraging Making a

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I’ve long loved reading inspirational materials. I find them not only edifying, but tremendously valuable personally and professionally.  I truly believe part of our role as a leader is to inspire others through our words and actions. I recently wrote a post called Creating Leadership Inspiration that shares my perspective.  Part of that post encourages

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Conflict is a topic that often comes up with I talk with leaders.  In three separate cases lately I have heard of organizations including conflict resolution in supervisor training programs. A perennially popular topic for training at all levels of leadership development training, conflict is as often misunderstood and mishandled as it is discussed.  Consider this view

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On 60 Minutes last Sunday, President Obama visited with Steve Kroft for two segments (part 1, part 2).  Throughout he talked about the start of his Presidency, the challenges he is facing and much more.  One small comment about one of his habits is an important lesson for all of us as leaders. He said

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Last week in my Powerquotes Plus email, I shared a snippet from James Clavell’s novel Shogun. “To think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral down into ever increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts,however, requires effort. This is one of the things that discipline –

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One of the best tools for building for accelerating your leadership development is a 360 Assessment. This is true whether you are a Supervisor, in Corporate Leadership or Executive Leadership.  Regardless of your past experience, confidence and skill, a leadership assessment is perhaps the single most important next step in your leadership development program. Here are

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I’m a sports fan. I read Sports Illustrated, watch ESPN, listen to sports radio and generally keep up with what’s going on across all sports. There are leadership lessons from all across the sports landscape, but the latest “big story” in sports made me think about leadership development – and possibly for a different reason

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