It is November 26.  There are 34 days left in 2008 – that is 9.3% of the year.  But once Thanksgiving arrives, some people act as if the year is over. You know, there is the shopping, the parties, the events. There are the vacation days that remain, and those days off – Black Friday, Christmas

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I’ve been thinking about the leaves in the backyard of the Remarkable House (what we call the residence that we purchased and converted into our offices). It is easy to think about these leaves, because there is a lot of them! The culprits are two large beautiful Maple trees, far older then I or likely anyone

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Many years ago when asked what the most powerful force in the universe was, Albert Einstein said, “compound interest.”  What I am writing about today, might be, with all due respect to Albert, just as powerful.  The reason is that it in many ways they are the same thing: compound interest allows your money to

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I love musicals. It really does make perfect sense to me that people randomly break into song on a moments notice. Everyone sings and dances with precision choreography and then just as quickly they go back to whatever they were doing. One of my favorites has always been The Music Man with the lovable –

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Today is Election Day in the United States – and for that reason I’m thinking about the word responsibility.  It doesn’t really matter what day you read this, because our need to think about responsibility from a team leadership perspective is always critical. Today though, as I thought about responsibility, I read a quotation from Jackie Huggins an indigenous

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I’ve noticed a theme in my life lately, and it has a great deal to do with your ability to lead successfully.  The theme is simply stated by the slogan on the t-shirt I wore last Friday night as trick or treaters came by our home. “Just Be Nice” I love the shirt and the

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Several years ago I was looking for a new person for my team. A person who had been helping on a temporary basis was going back to graduate school and I knew I would need some assistance on several projects. Thinking about my situation on a Monday morning, cross-country airline flight I made a list

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There are many reasons why trust is important to leaders. With higher levels of trust you are able to influence change more easily and quickly. With more trust you are able to create higher levels of productivity and team cohesiveness. I could go on, but in short, being trustworthy and trusted are two of the most valuable

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