In this episode, we’re talking about making room for conversation and I’m using a cup metaphor to illustrate some important points. As humans, we all have a mental and emotional cup. And like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, if it’s completely full, there is no room for anything else. Literally. This cup metaphor

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For centuries, people have wanted to find the fountain of youth. People traveled for months on ships to try to find this mythical fountain of youth, because we’d all like to be younger, right? What about wisdom? I think we’d all like to be wise, and the good news is we can find the source

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Think goal first. That seems like pretty solid advice. And it seems like something that is easy to do. And yet…we don’t always do that. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a short story from my own personal work that highlights the importance of remembering to think goal first and keep adjusting routines to stay in

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In a previous episode, I made the case for mental fitness. You can see that episode here. I hope you go back and watch it. But let me just summarize it in short right here: to be mentally fit or to think about mental fitness is to be proactive about our mental health. Just like

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I doubt there’s anyone reading this who doesn’t use at least one calendar. In fact, if you’re at all like me or members of my team, you likely have multiple calendars – calendars for work, calendars for personal, calendars for kids activities… Calendars are important and we all likely use them. So what’s the purpose

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Congratulations. You are now a supervisor. Now you’re a leader. I had the chance to work with lots of people in that situation. And the question that they ask is, what do I do first? Where do I start? How do I get on the off on the right foot to be successful? Well, today I have for you three pieces of advice to help you with that.

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Change is hard. It doesn’t usually come naturally. And at the end of the day, when we change we have made a choice. And as leaders, when we are trying to lead change at work, we are asking our team to be “all in” – to make a choice to change. Unfortunately, most change leadership

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Routines are wonderful things. When we have a routine, we no longer have to think about it. We are able to operate automatically, freeing up our brains for other things. Morning routines are especially important as they allow us the opportunity to start the day off successfully and productively. In this video, I am giving

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