There are a lot of easy reasons that everyone should practice more gratitude, but that is a different episode. In the episode below, I am talking about the value of gratitude as it relates to leaders, and more specifically: Why are the best leaders the ones who are grateful and regularly show gratitude? Follow: Apple
You’ve heard of helicopter parents, right? These well-intentioned parents tend to hover over their children (like a helicopter) and typically take too much responsibility for their children’s experiences and lives. They of course do this out of love, to protect their children. Have you ever had a helicopter boss? Again, likely out of good intentions,
Culture is a much-used word, at work and in our personal lives. And it’s usually over-complicated. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a story from my family’s past to help you better (and more simply) understand exactly what culture is and isn’t. Tweet it out: Culture doesn’t come solely from a big corporate push. It is
Several years ago, we started using the words “hybrid teams” to describe a team where there are some people working in a physical office and there are some people who work virtually outside of the office. And while we started using this word well before the pandemic made it a household term, we believe that
Experience might not be something that you usually associate with “danger”. But in this Remarkable TV episode, I’m telling a story about my car and its gas tank and how my experience got me into a little trouble with the two. Tweet it out: Experience is helpful until it blinds us to new solutions. When
Think about a time when you were really confident – when you did something and before you did it, you were confident about how well it was going to go. What happens when you’re confident? Things generally go pretty well, right? Confidence is critical to our success, especially as leaders. In the video here, I’ll
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