I’m willing to bet that every day, we spend some amount of time waiting. Waiting on hold. Waiting on our food order. Waiting for our kids to get off the bus. Waiting, waiting, waiting. And I recently observed a group of people who were waiting for quite a long time. In this episode, I’ll share

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Recently I talked about work life balance being personal. If you didn’t see that episode, you can catch up here. Today I’m going a little further and talking about how work life balance is ever-changing. https://youtu.be/qlV1ybA5GRM?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: Work life balance isn’t a destination, it is an ongoing journey. When you realize it will

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There’s always a lot of discussion around work life balance and maybe more so than ever now that many of us have brought our work home, literally, and are working from home. And while it would be nice to have an easy formula to follow, the truth is that work life balance is personal for

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Wherever there are people who gather, there is culture. Culture is – the way we do things around here, how you succeed around here and the collective stories we tell. And right now, as we find ourselves slowly emerging from the pandemic, there are three cultures that we can adopt. In the video below, I’ll

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There’s a popular fable about a frog in a pot of water. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it won’t perceive the danger and will cook to

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Do you have friends at work? According to a survey at Olivet Nazarene University, 82% said they do and in fact, on average they had 5 friends at work. 29% would even describe one as a best friend. So, it’s likely that your answer to the question I posed above was yes. And when I

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People are celebrating something every day – birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, graduations and more. But have you ever stopped to think about WHY you celebrate? The purpose or reason for the celebration? Join me in the video below to explore this important question, and also the importance of “little c” celebrations. https://youtu.be/DPFDfP__ozM?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: Celebration

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On the day that we release this video, it’s just about the middle of the year. But whether you’re watching this video in June or you’re watching it in November, it is a very valuable practice to do a process check. A process check is an opportunity to get out of the day to day

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Since the world changed last spring, there’s been a lot of talk about the “new normal”. And while I understand why we are phrasing it this way, in the video below, I’m giving us a new way to look at our “normal”. Tweet it out: ‘Normal’ is always changing. Make your next normal that serves

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