Accountability is one of those words that everyone has thoughts and feelings about. I’ve been known to call it the longest 4 letter word in the dictionary. And when I am asked to define or describe it in my workshops and coaching sessions, I can do so with one word. Find out my simple definition

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When I think of the word tradition, I instantly think of the song “Tradition” in one of my favorite plays The Fiddler on the Roof. And while when we talk about traditions, we are often talking about them in the context of holidays or celebrations and the things we do to commemorate them, in the

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Awhile back, I wrote a post on Linked In and had a blinding flash of the obvious. I asked a question at the end of the post and the post got more engagement and comments than ever before. I went back to see how often I ended with a question. And as I suspected, it

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Do you manage change? Or do you lead change? And maybe even more important: do you know the difference between the two? There is a very important distinction between these two words and as leaders, we must know the difference in order to be successful in our change efforts. Check out the video to learn

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Opportunities have expiration dates. I saw this quote recently, and I wish I could remember who/where to attribute this quote to because I instantly loved it. There is a lot of truth in it. Let’s think about opportunity for a minute… Have you ever missed an opportunity because you were unaware of it? Have you

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I love words – reading them, writing them, saying them… And today I want to talk about two words – progress and change – and more specifically, the connection between the two as well as the major distinction and difference. Tweet it out: People can commit to change when they see a valuable post-change future.

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Every leadership course talks about delegation. And if it doesn’t, it comes up in the conversation. How do I know this? Because I’ve taught hundreds and every time I do, we talk about delegation. And even though it’s a major topic of conversation, many leaders are not doing it well. In the video below, I’m

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I. Love. Auctions. And I love pretty much any type of auction. But my favorite is hands-down an antique tractor auction. (Yep, they exist.) And while if you like auctions, this video might be even more interesting to you. But regardless, I’m sharing the lessons that I learned from a recent tractor auction – and

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You might know that I grew up on a farm. And on a farm, you work late into the evening when needed. You see, my Dad was a night person. So it was not uncommon for me to work very late into the evening. Because of this, I grew up thinking I was a night

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Benchmarks are great. They help give us a way to measure our progress and/or success as compared to others and they also give us something for which to aim. And while there are all kinds of benchmarks that we use in life – personally and professionally – today I am giving you a new benchmark

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