As the title suggests, today I am sharing lessons we can learn from rivers. Now when I say “rivers”, it’s likely that we all have a different river in mind. And regardless of which river you think of – whether it’s the Mississippi River, the Hudson River, the Pere Marquette River (near my childhood home)

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Today I’m talking about Leadership and Toilet Paper – yes, I really am. In the past I’ve done mash-ups of leadership with random topics, and challenged people to send me suggestions. You can see a channel of these past mashups here. Jose Luis sent this one in. Now I don’t know if he was serious,

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Last week, I talked about the power that routines can have in our lives. If you missed that, you can watch it here. The thing about routines is that when they change, we are often left feeling a little lost, confused or even discombobulated. And if you’re like most of us, our routines over the

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When you work on your own personal development does it just benefit you? Not at all. In fact, everybody wins when you take the time to work on your development. The organization. The team. Your boss. And of course, you. So, the next question is, who is responsible for your development? Tweet it out: Hopefully

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Do you remember the TV show “Password”? If you don’t know it, you can check it out here. In the game, two teams attempted to win by conveying mystery words to each other using only single-word clues. The word to be conveyed (the “password”) was given to one player on each team and was whispered

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You’ve likely heard of the Law of Attraction. In short, the basic idea is that our thoughts turn into things eventually. The idea is that we are like human magnets – always attracting something. Not everyone agrees with this principle and the principle often leaves out an important part – the fact that thinking alone,

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When we give feedback, it is with the hope that the person on the receiving end will take action on that feedback. But giving feedback isn’t a one-and-done action. It’s a journey that has many steps along the way. So before we (or should I say ‘they’) get to action, we must realize the emotions

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This is the third in a series of videos on feedback. You can watch the previous videos from the links below. In this video, we talk about how to get others to accept the feedback you are giving – leading them to action. Tweet it out: Before people can apply the feedback you give them,

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