The visual portion of any video is truly an important part of the message. And this is the case whether you are watching a YouTube Video or video conferencing with a colleague. In the video below, I’m addressing five simple concerns that, once you address them, will help you make your webcam your friend –
I could simply tell you that trust is powerful and as a leader, you would likely very quickly agree with that statement. But to make my point even stronger, I am going to give three very specific reasons WHY trust is so powerful. Tweet it out: Trust is an accelerant to success and a
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a holiday for everything. Just do a quick Google search for “today’s holiday” and you’ll see what I mean… “If Pets Had Thumbs Day”…. Really? But back to leadership here. In the video below, I am suggesting a “holiday” that will help you become a better leader
Last week, we talked about confidence from the perspective of our own experience. You can watch that episode here. Today we are going to look at confidence from a very different perspective. We are looking at it from the perspective of others. I’m sharing the impact of confidence as well as a really simple equation
We all know that it’s important to have a balanced diet – because what you put in impacts your health. But have you thought about your reading diet? Because similarly, what you put in impacts your thinking. In today’s video, I’m asking a few questions to help you discern how your reading “diet” is going
Regardless of our role – customer facing or not – as leaders, it is extremely important that we think about customer service. In the video below, I’m sharing a simple exercise that you can use individually or with your team to leverage lessons from a customer service disaster. Tweet it out: Use lessons from the
If you’re watching this episode when it originally airs, sports are front and center with the Super Bowl just around the corner. So in this spirit, we are discussing a very popular sports phrase: playing to win. And this week, we are turning the question around a bit and answering: Can we take the idea
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