Does your morning routine set you up for success? No, I’m not talking about what you do after getting out of bed. I’m talking about what you do when you get to work. Tweet it out: How you start your day determines how you will lead all day. @KevinEikenberry

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This is the 300th episode of Remarkable TV and when we recorded the video, the World Series was just getting started in the United States. So, it seemed that talking a little baseball and averages was an appropriate topic. Now, don’t worry. This isn’t really a baseball lesson. This is a lesson for leaders and

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In Video #2 of The Encore Video Series, we are further exploring mindset and I’m answering this question: How can I teach or learn mindset? This is really two questions and the good news is that the process I share in the video will address both the idea of teaching and the idea of learning.

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Words are powerful and when we use the right words in the right situations, they can have a huge impact in our ability to be effective as leaders. Today, we are diving deep into a word that seems innocent, but might not be when we are aware of how we are using it. Listen to

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Delegation is one of the most important skills for leaders to master. That’s right, it’s a skill. If you don’t get this first question right from the outset, your efforts at delegating could be doomed to fail. Tweet it out: Do you know why you are delegating? The wrong answer will lead to terrible

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As leaders, we are faced with many scary situations – having difficult conversations, firing someone, making a tough decision…the list goes on and on. And in today’s episode, I am going to share one simple technique to help you overcome any scary or difficult situation that you might find yourself in. Tweet it out: What

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These days, there is no shortage of communication tools at our fingertips – literally. And while this means that it is easier than ever to communicate with one another, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we are communicating better. In fact, some might argue that we are getting worse at communicating. So, today I am going

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