In this episode, I am taking on the challenge brought to me by a viewer answering the question: How are leaders like napkins? Seem impossible? Think again! 😉 Tweet it out: Hey leader – how can you protect your team from harm and stress today? @KevinEikenberry From This Episode: Listen and subscribe to The Remarkable

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Today’s episode is the result of a challenge that I issued earlier this year – asking viewers to give me a word, any word, that I would then tie back to leadership. And today, I am comparing leadership and airplanes. Tweet it out: Leaders, like airplanes, need maintenance and constant care to operate at peak

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We held our family reunion this year at my farm in Michigan, and like many of the events in my life this summer (and always), there are many leadership lessons that I took away. Learn more below. Tweet it out: We all need family – whether blood or not – for strength, stability and relationships.

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As many of us are either wrapping up our summers or have already wrapped it, I thought it would be fun to share a few leadership lessons that I learned from my summer vacation. Tweet it out: Determine what vacation means to you – and create more of them. They will refresh and revive you.

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In a daily email that I send, I asked everyone to send me their favorite ice cream flavors. And I learned A LOT about ice cream – particularly that there are lots of flavors, people LOVE ice cream and they are very particular about what and why they like it. But I also learned a

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Something I’ve noticed over the years is that the word “fine” has an interesting connotation in our lives. It’s often used as a “conversation stopper” – a way to indicate that it’s good enough. But the question really needs to be: Is fine always a good thing? Is fine good enough? In today’s video, I

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We all have habits in our lives. And while many habits are great and have valuable purposes, some habits are…not so great. But first, before we define what is and what isn’t a bad habit in our lives, we need to start at the beginning and define what really is a bad habit? You can

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This week, I am continuing to answer the challenges that our viewers have given me – asking me to derive leadership lessons from everyday, random objects. And today is especially appropriate given that it’s summer: Check out the video below for four ways that we can connect a swimming pool and leaders! Tweet it out:

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Several years ago, I went through a phase of using fountain pens. So when one of our viewers challenged me to find leadership lessons from a fountain pen, I was more than happy to oblige. In the video below, I have five valuable leadership lessons from this every day object. Tweet it out: Fountain pens

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As a “farm kid”, I’ve had a lot of experience with weeds – working hard to eliminate them so that we can grow the crops we needed on our farm. And I’ve spent my fair share of pulling them as an adult both at my house and still at the farm. And while I can’t

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