If you’ve ever doubted whether or not you should call that meeting…Kevin has the question that will give you the definitive answer. Tweet it out! Before you meet ask yourself – is a meeting the best way to achieve my goal? If not, don’t schedule that meeting! @KevinEikenberry
The squeaky wheel gets the oil or so it goes. And while it seems like everyone is so negative these days, that’s not really the case. Unfortunately, the negative ones are often the loudest and have the biggest consequences as a result – increased stress and decreased productivity just to name a few! In this
My series on leadership from unlikely sources continues today and it includes something we likely see every day – a mirror! Here are four reasons why I love this metaphor of mirrors as it relates to leaders. Tweet it out: The self-aware leader is a better leader. Look for ways to understand yourself better each
In this episode, I am taking on the challenge brought to me by a viewer answering the question: How are leaders like napkins? Seem impossible? Think again! 😉 Tweet it out: Hey leader – how can you protect your team from harm and stress today? @KevinEikenberry From This Episode: Listen and subscribe to The Remarkable
Today’s episode is the result of a challenge that I issued earlier this year – asking viewers to give me a word, any word, that I would then tie back to leadership. And today, I am comparing leadership and airplanes. Tweet it out: Leaders, like airplanes, need maintenance and constant care to operate at peak
We held our family reunion this year at my farm in Michigan, and like many of the events in my life this summer (and always), there are many leadership lessons that I took away. Learn more below. Tweet it out: We all need family – whether blood or not – for strength, stability and relationships.
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