If you missed last week’s episode, I announced that we are starting a series where I will connect weird or unusual items to leadership. And these items are coming from the challenge that I put out on our social media channels – asking our viewers to submit their suggestions for these items. So catch up
Have you ever noticed that how closely you look at something determines what you see? As leaders, it’s really important that we look closely so that we can really understand what’s going on in our team, in our organization and in our jobs. Check out today’s video to learn more about what I mean. https://youtu.be/HHgd0MDiGNU?rel=0&showinfo=0
We spend most of our lives trying to learn and know as much as we can. It’s ingrained in us that the more we know, the better off we are. And while there’s no question that knowledge truly is power, sometimes…as leaders…there is danger in expertise. And in the video below, I’ll explain three dangers
“Ohh…..it really wasn’t a big deal….” Have you ever downplayed a compliment? Tried to pass it off or re-direct the conversation when you’ve been given one? Today I am pointing out some very valuable leadership lessons from a compliment (and the response to this compliment) that I recently overheard. I’ll also give you a very
Communication is hard. I know, it’s likely not a surprise to you. And it’s certainly no surprise to us – communication is consistently one of the biggest challenges that we hear about from leaders. And in this episode, I am going to help you (and your team) be a better communicator by raising the communication
Have you ever been disappointed? Frustrated? Maybe even annoyed? And then maybe you said (rather cynically), “Well, what did you expect?” It’s probably unlikely that there are many of us who can say we haven’t asked this question once or twice in our lives… So in today’s video, I’m sharing a much more valuable and
A few months ago, I was fortunate enough to record a video course with some great people at LinkedIn Learning. And while the process that I go through each week here on Remarkable TV has grown and improved significantly over the years, my time at LinkedIn Learning was quite different. For one, it was a
Every day, more leaders are becoming remote leaders – whether it was intentional and planned or simply a fact of circumstance where they started working one day a work from home which lead to another which lead to another… The question isn’t whether this is happening or not, it’s what are we doing to prepare
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