Today’s episode is the third in my series based on a talk that I gave to a group of sixth, seventh and eighth graders. During the talk, we discussed several of the ideas in the new culture that they are creating at the school. They call it GRIT. And this week, I am focusing on
If the title of this post and video has you scratching your head, you aren’t alone. When I was asked this question at a workshop recently, I wasn’t entirely sure what direction the question was taking…at first. As we talked, I realized that it was a FANTASTIC question and one that was worth delving into
I often find myself talking about decision-making in my conversations in training workshops and this question usually comes up: What’s the best way to make decisions in a group, and specifically, what should my role as a leader be? And to answer this question, I’m going to describe a decision making trade-off that must be
In this episode, I am really practicing what I preach by being personally vulnerable and sharing some valuable lessons that leaders can learn when they open themselves up to others and are truly vulnerable. Tweet it out: The leaders willing to be vulnerable are those others choose to follow. @KevinEikenberry
When most people think about “balance”, they think about it in relation to work and life: work/life balance. And while I am going to discuss this in the video below, it’s not where I am going to start. Instead, I’m starting with a bicycle analogy. Tweet it out: Consider how minor shifts might add significantly
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