I often find myself talking about decision-making in my conversations in training workshops and this question usually comes up: What’s the best way to make decisions in a group, and specifically, what should my role as a leader be? And to answer this question, I’m going to describe a decision making trade-off that must be

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Have you ever had an experience where once you’ve shared an idea that was in your head with another person or group of people and as soon as this idea “out in the open”, there are way more questions than you ever anticipated and suddenly your once-very-clear idea is a bit fuzzier than before? Yeah,

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In this video, I’m talking about a pervasive “B” word in our society that is getting in the way of our success and our results. And I’m building a case against this word and giving you five reasons why we need to banish it from our vocabulary. Tweet it out: Busy is an excuse, and

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I recently recorded a podcast with Seth Godin, a really smart and prolific blogger, and in our conversation, I asked him about the discipline it takes him to write a blog post every single day. Before answering my question, he re-framed it for me, saying that he didn’t like to think of it in terms

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In this episode, I am really practicing what I preach by being personally vulnerable and sharing some valuable lessons that leaders can learn when they open themselves up to others and are truly vulnerable. https://youtu.be/16l0a86N-6s?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: The leaders willing to be vulnerable are those others choose to follow. @KevinEikenberry

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When most people think about “balance”, they think about it in relation to work and life: work/life balance. And while I am going to discuss this in the video below, it’s not where I am going to start. Instead, I’m starting with a bicycle analogy. Tweet it out: Consider how minor shifts might add significantly

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I’ve found that almost all of the successful people that I know, have met or even have read about have at least this one thing in common: They have a positive perspective. And while this can mean that they are sometimes optimists, it isn’t necessarily the same thing. Tweet it out: The most successful people

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I am sharing a lesson today from one of my favorite books by Og Mandino, The Greatest Miracle in the World. In this great book, there is an incredibly powerful sentence that all leaders can learn from: Use wisely your power of choice. Watch the video below to learn how you can use this power

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In my company, I allow my employees to choose their own job title. I of course, did the same. And I know that I did a pretty decent job when I picked mine because when I tell people what it is, I almost always get comments on it. But this video isn’t about my title,

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Our lives are busy – both at work and at home – and it’s easy to live in reality but not always easy to actually “see” what your reality is. And as leaders, this is a really important distinction. In today’s video, I’m asking three questions to help leaders “see” their reality so that they

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