I often find myself talking about decision-making in my conversations in training workshops and this question usually comes up: What’s the best way to make decisions in a group, and specifically, what should my role as a leader be? And to answer this question, I’m going to describe a decision making trade-off that must be
In this episode, I am really practicing what I preach by being personally vulnerable and sharing some valuable lessons that leaders can learn when they open themselves up to others and are truly vulnerable. https://youtu.be/16l0a86N-6s?rel=0&showinfo=0 Tweet it out: The leaders willing to be vulnerable are those others choose to follow. @KevinEikenberry
When most people think about “balance”, they think about it in relation to work and life: work/life balance. And while I am going to discuss this in the video below, it’s not where I am going to start. Instead, I’m starting with a bicycle analogy. Tweet it out: Consider how minor shifts might add significantly
I’ve found that almost all of the successful people that I know, have met or even have read about have at least this one thing in common: They have a positive perspective. And while this can mean that they are sometimes optimists, it isn’t necessarily the same thing. Tweet it out: The most successful people
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