The commercials during the Super Bowl have become just as popular as the actual sporting event itself, and this year, there was one that was even more popular and memorable for The Kevin Eikenberry Group. And…it provided some valuable leadership lessons for me, my team and really all leaders. Tweet it out: Your team doesn’t

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Normally I answer YOUR questions in this video series, but today, I’m flipping it around and I’m asking YOU a question that will help you be a better leader. Tweet it out: Be aware of the questions you ask yourself, for they determine the answers you get and the decisions you reach. @KevinEikenberry Send us

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Today I’m using a metaphor with boiling water that provides concrete and easy tips to help leaders remain calm and collected so that they can better communicate with and lead their team. Tweet it out: You can’t influence when you are boiling hot. Keep the heat turned down just a bit if you want better

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Despite our best intentions, it’s sometimes hard NOT to assume or misinterpret someone’s intentions or jump to the negative. And while we all know that giving someone the benefit of the doubt or assuming the positive is the correct answer to the situation, it’s also hard to make this complete jump from negative to positive.

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I’m often asked about how to have better meetings and more often than not, the other person wants me to boil the advice down to the #1 thing for improving their meetings. Now that’s a tall order but I’m going to try to tackle this challenge today and give you my #1 best way to

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Having a highly committed team takes investment and time. And achieving this valuable objective requires one thing to happen first. Check out today’s video to find out the secret to a more committed team. Tweet it out: All leaders want committed team members. Step one is to make sure they are committed themselves, and their

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Leading from a distance can seem difficult, yet it is still about leadership, and the principles of leadership haven’t changed—they are principles. In this episode, Kevin is in the visitor’s seat to talk about the opportunities and challenges with leading a remote team. He gives us a preview into The Long-Distance Leader, scheduled for a

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Today we’re talking about complacency. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to become complacent in some area of our lives. And I’ve heard more than one leader say, “I’ve let myself slip and become complacent.” So today, I’m giving us solutions. Watch the video for five specific tips to help you combat complacency, to have more

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As leaders, new or otherwise, we are having a lot of conversations and in these conversations, there are a lot of questions. And it’s easy to fall into the trap of answering and responding to every question that we get and yet sometimes, NOT giving the answer is the right response. Here’s what I mean.

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While the title of this post is about taking ownership, in truth, it’s about accountability. And accountability starts with ownership. If we want to model the right behavior for our teams, it starts with us. In this episode, I’m asking a series of question to help us think about how we are behaving and how

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