Coaching is one of the most important leadership skills you can have – because you are leading other people who you want to develop to become more successful. And if you want others to accept your coaching, you need to ask yourself one question. Learn more in the video below. If you want others to

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If you lead millennials, if you work with millennials, if you are a millennial…you’ll want to watch this! As leaders, it’s our job to recognize and accept the generational differences in the workplace. And, we will be more successful when we leave labels out of the workplace and treat everyone equally – as human beings. Stop

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How do I get my people to do more? How do I motivate the chronic underachiever? The answer is: it all starts with you… People achieve based on their expectations and choices. If you want them to achieve more, change their expectations. @KevinEikenberry (Click to Tweet It) Check out our Remarkable Leadership workshop here. Check

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The number of assessment tools available to us is enormous (and growing). And while they are all useful, most miss the real goal and aren’t as valuable as they could be. Here’s what you could be missing… Learning about DISC? Focus more on the style of others and how to communicate with them than on

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As leaders, we will always be faced with conflict situations. After all, we are dealing with humans. But before you get involved, there are three questions that you need to answer first. Check out the video below to hear more. The best leaders know when to help resolve conflicts and when to let others resolve

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To make the delegation last for the long-term, you must focus more on the other person and help them succeed rather than just getting the task off your plate. Check out this video to find out how this simple step can make your delegation easier and more effective. If you want to delegate and not

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The Feedback Sandwich is a common model for giving feedback to others, and unfortunately an often ineffective one. Check out this video to find out why this approach could be undermining your efforts and learn tips for structuring your feedback so that it is positively received and actually used! Make your feedback honest, meaningful, and

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Today’s episode is in response to a question that I got as a result of a recent blog post I wrote on coaching to attitude. The question: Isn’t attitude a form of behavior? When I get this question, my answer always starts with another question: “What are they actually doing, what is their behavior?” And

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Are you making this costly leadership mistake? You’ve definitely seen it before and likely even made it yourself. And building your influence doesn’t happen if you are. Check out my latest Remarkable TV episode below and find out. When we are doing all of the talking, we won’t get the results that we want. If

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Giving feedback can be difficult, especially when it’s to a friend who you’re now managing, or to an older colleague, or even a colleague that you’ve never had this sort of relationship with before. So in this episode of Remarkable TV, I’m sharing the biggest secret to giving better feedback. Check it out here. When

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